This is a store of questions and answers relating to the programme, not cluster-specific questions. We'll keep this updated with new ones as they come in.
Questions from digital partners
Email [email protected] if you have a question that's not answered here.
- Do you have a set of standard KPIs / measures used across all initiatives?
- This is great news about mandated open licensing :))) May I just ask whether CC BY-NC-SA is mandated, or whether that's the most restrictive (e.g. we usually use CC BY)
- Did the OWLs say that they would like to be invited to the initial kick-off meeting that happens with the Digital Partners and Cluster of Charities?
- Can we see charities original applications as the digital partners leading their clusters?
- How we should approach graphic design for the assets we're creating? I can't recall seeing any branding guidance anywhere - could you point me at it?
- To combine with our own research, would you be able to provide a list of the funders/funding orgs you know well/have worked with in the past? In addition, what would be the best way to reach out to them and present ourselves?
- How high fidelity does the solution need to be? i.e. (Service design document/paper-mock ups, clickable prototype, no-code apps, etc?)
- Does the digital solution need to provide immediate value to the charities and sector at the end of the project, or simply demonstrate value could be gained for exploring a solution further?
- What happens if we don't spend all the £5k wider charity engagement pot? Is this to be viewed as a thank-you gift or as paying for a service?
Questions from grantees
Email [email protected] if you have a question that's not answered here.
- Would also love to hear more about the framework for contributing to challenges in a consultancy capacity.
- Do CAST have any suggestions on how to work in a project with a very short time frame with many organisations? For example, how will we ensure key people in organisations are consulted whilst not holding up the digital partner?