If you are on this page of the Sector Challenge Programme Handbook, that means you're getting ready to wrap up your project. As clusters you've been working extremely hard to create solutions to the challenge you applied to collectively tackle in November - can you believe it has only been four months since you first started this journey!
Your motivation and commitment have continued to inspire us and we hope you're proud of what you have achieved together. We certainly are 🙂
Here is the chat and slide deck from the wrap-up event:
We know how important it is to ensure that at the end of a project, everyone has all the assets, documentation and logins they need to continue getting value from whatever's been created. Most digital partners have a handover as a standard part of their projects. We've created a handover checklist for digital partners, which has been drawn from several agencies' best practice, and covers the most important things. Please ensure your clusters have a chance to handover before the end of the programme.
We'll also add a link to a simple handover form for partners to complete at the end of the programme once the projects are complete.
IpsosMori Is the National Lottery Community Fund evaluation partner and they will send grantees a survey at the start of April. Please complete this survey as it plays a key part in the Lottery's management of their delegated grant management responsibilities to Catalyst.
Hosted by the convenors, these will be a chance to delve into the challenge areas in more depth, with additional organisations external to the programme, and reflect on what has been learned and what can be taken forwards.
Current confirmed dates are:
The **evidence of spend reporting** template: download or copy this template and email the completed document to [email protected] by latest 23th April 2021. Please ensure that you have read the notes in rows 31-39 before completing and returning the form. We may ask for supporting documentation as further evidence of expenditure.
inFocus, our Catalyst Network Learning Partner, is helping to evaluate the Sector Challenge Programme, and we ask you to take some time to share your feedback and reflections with us!