**Community Explore is a programme of support and training to help community businesses to develop digital products and services using user-centred design processes.**

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It ran from October 2023 till April 2024 and was delivered in two phases - Discover and Define.

Participating organisations share openly what they have learned from their user research in Phase One and the solution testing in Phase Two through assets and playback (show and tell) presentations.

Why have a look at the playbacks?

Well, there might be research findings that speak to your own audience or problem you are trying to solve. Or their next steps may in some way touch on what you are working. In short there might be something of use to you.

Feel free to browse these short Playbacks (or Show and Tells) and reuse what’s useful.

If you want to be put in touch with one of the organisations below email us on [email protected]

Discover + Define playbacks

To make the most of this database:

To use these options, select either "Filter" or "Customize card". Make the necessary changes, then deselect the option to close the window.

We’ve organised the organisations into those researching marginalised groups, those researching neurodivergence and disability and those researching community ecosystems to make browsing easier.

Note: the transcriptions are auto-generated and may vary slightly from the audio.
