Materials used to promote your involvement with the programme.
Handles: When posting on Twitter, please tag The National Lottery Community Fund (@TNLComFund) and Catalyst (@wethecatalysts). If character count permits, please also tag CAST (@TechForGoodCAST), however this is not essential. If posting on LinkedIn, please tag The National Lottery Community Fund and Catalyst network news, as well as CAST if space permits.
Hashtag: If acknowledging the important role of National Lottery players in making these grants and support possible, please use the full tag #NationalLottery (not just #Lottery)
Fund name: Where possible, please use the full name of the fund: Catalyst and The National Lottery Community Fund COVID-19 Digital Response.
Download the tweetcards below to share with your Twitter posts.
Twitter card 1: Sector Challenge Programme
Twitter card 2: We're taking part
Catalyst logo horizontal
Catalyst logo square
We're always keen to hear about things grantees or partners have learned or achieved as part of our programmes. Please contact [email protected] if you have something to share, or would like to write a blog for the Catalyst site and newsletter.